"Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." [Isaiah 26:8]


ah, life.

well, hello there!
first of all, i am so sorry i haven't been updating, especially you grammy. i know you've been checking. :) there have just been so many adventures and things going on that it's been hard to find time to write and reflect. but let me tell you, God is doing some AMAZING things here and in me!

it has only been two weeks, but already i see a change in myself that is so cool to see and experience. God is bending me toward Himself in ways that i am so thankful for. i am hungry for the Word-i am currently memorizing romans 5 and 6. i was struggling a lot with desiring time with Jesus back home, and it's still a struggle, but i am disciplining myself and it's been amazing! we went to a youth conference at the church and the speakers really challenged me in my walk with Him, including things like memorizing scripture and being in the Word daily, as well taking steps of FAITH in Jesus. i have also been struggling with having small faith, so these words were so rich for me and resonated deep in my bones.

i've also gotten to spend some great time with the girls. and by the girls, i am referencing the small group girls that kimberly is leading. the group is called a "cell group," so that's who i mean when i say the cell girls. they are 16 and lovely. i am so excited to be here and love them and serve them and spend time getting to know them. it's been neat to serve alongside kimberly and love the girls with her. it's different than i'm used to, because she has been a leader for so long, but now the Lord has equipped me to join her. i am learning so much...

i've gotten to teach some and talk about my story and just be an open book to the girls and other youth. it's good to be put in situations where i have to just get up and talk and sit in front of a group of brand new christians and talk about christianity and Jesus. it has certainly been a challenge at times, but ultimately i am just thankful for the opportunities. it's what i came for!

please continue to pray. pray for a movement, an earthshattering, lifechanging, crazy revolution for the Kingdom here in the northeast of england. these people need Jesus, just like you and me, and we want to build up this generation to love Jesus and follow Him with their entire beings. i am here for six weeks, which may not be long, but i want to be obedient to love and serve and speak truth and sieze EVERY opportunity He places before me. if nothing else, planting seeds for the Kingdom. so please, please  keep praying. He is good, He is in control, He LOVES us so dearly!!

Thank you, thank you for coming alongside me in prayer and petition for the lost souls. Praise Him!

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope will not disappoint us, because God poured out His love into our hearts by the Spirit, whom He has given us. -Romans 5:1-5

much, much love.


  1. Chels/FOF/foffy, I forgot how stinkin cool you are. Glad to hear that England is treating you well. I've always wanted to go there... hopefully next summer. Miss you friend! Pick up an accent while you're there!

  2. i just want to remind you, that Jesus is a miracle man. seriously, that you are here is a miracle and Jesus is soooo faithful to you! its beautiful to see, and to read what He has done in you here, and how He has blessed me through your reckless giving, our God is SOO big! i tell and tell your story of being obedient to Jesus countless times, it blesses people more than you know. you are a beautiful soul and i am so proud of you. love you deeply english lady!

  3. So excited to keep up with u...we have been missing you and can't wait to hear all about it!!
