"Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." [Isaiah 26:8]


ah, life.

well, hello there!
first of all, i am so sorry i haven't been updating, especially you grammy. i know you've been checking. :) there have just been so many adventures and things going on that it's been hard to find time to write and reflect. but let me tell you, God is doing some AMAZING things here and in me!

it has only been two weeks, but already i see a change in myself that is so cool to see and experience. God is bending me toward Himself in ways that i am so thankful for. i am hungry for the Word-i am currently memorizing romans 5 and 6. i was struggling a lot with desiring time with Jesus back home, and it's still a struggle, but i am disciplining myself and it's been amazing! we went to a youth conference at the church and the speakers really challenged me in my walk with Him, including things like memorizing scripture and being in the Word daily, as well taking steps of FAITH in Jesus. i have also been struggling with having small faith, so these words were so rich for me and resonated deep in my bones.

i've also gotten to spend some great time with the girls. and by the girls, i am referencing the small group girls that kimberly is leading. the group is called a "cell group," so that's who i mean when i say the cell girls. they are 16 and lovely. i am so excited to be here and love them and serve them and spend time getting to know them. it's been neat to serve alongside kimberly and love the girls with her. it's different than i'm used to, because she has been a leader for so long, but now the Lord has equipped me to join her. i am learning so much...

i've gotten to teach some and talk about my story and just be an open book to the girls and other youth. it's good to be put in situations where i have to just get up and talk and sit in front of a group of brand new christians and talk about christianity and Jesus. it has certainly been a challenge at times, but ultimately i am just thankful for the opportunities. it's what i came for!

please continue to pray. pray for a movement, an earthshattering, lifechanging, crazy revolution for the Kingdom here in the northeast of england. these people need Jesus, just like you and me, and we want to build up this generation to love Jesus and follow Him with their entire beings. i am here for six weeks, which may not be long, but i want to be obedient to love and serve and speak truth and sieze EVERY opportunity He places before me. if nothing else, planting seeds for the Kingdom. so please, please  keep praying. He is good, He is in control, He LOVES us so dearly!!

Thank you, thank you for coming alongside me in prayer and petition for the lost souls. Praise Him!

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope will not disappoint us, because God poured out His love into our hearts by the Spirit, whom He has given us. -Romans 5:1-5

much, much love.


follow me.

hello all.
i have had a few more days to get acquainted with the new culture and my new home for a while. it's been an awesome few days! we've done some really awesome things and i've gotten to meet kimberly's cell girls (small group-they are 16). everything is an adventure, really. everything is SO different and new. from architecture and clothing style to going to the grocery store and the words they use. but i've been learning alot from my time here. being a christian in england is less wishy washy than it is in america. you either are or you aren't. there's not much of this riding the fence, luke warm business. if you proclaim that christ is real, then you choose him and you follow him. but the opposite of that...totally lost souls. people are so lost and living for themselves here. i am thankful for the opportunity to be here and to be a light and to love people with christ's love. because perfect love drives out fear. we have so much HOPE because he is risen and i pray that i can show that to people as i live here. i am a bit homesick so please pray that i will find comfort in being in an unfamiliar place and in doing his will. also pray for the girls that we minister to. they are growing and maturing in their faith, and kimberly is doing a work here that is encouraging to be a part of. i am thankful for your support and will write again soon! have a blessed day. and choose today to follow jesus.


my first official day here.

So last night was a blur...I couldn't keep my eyes open for ANYTHING! Kimberly was doing her best to keep me awake through dinner so when I went to sleep, I could just sleep until I was fully rested and not have to wake up from a nap to eat. I went to sleep at 6:15pm and felt rested when I woke up at 6:15am this morning.

Bill and Joan are my host mom and dad and are very kind, hilarious people. They have been so sweet and hospitable already. I look forward to getting to know them better. (Mom, they were excited about the Texas salsa. And Cam, they were also really excited about the beef jerky. Good call!)

This morning when I woke up I spent some time getting ready and then journaled and prayed some. Kimberly has created the perfect little nook in my room for me to sit and read and write and think. Speaking of my room-WOW. It is more than I could have dreamed! She went beyond what I could imagine my room being. Thank you, sweet Kimberly. Well, then we had tea and I had toast with homemade blackberry jam-delicious! Then at 9:15 we started our 2 mile walk into Yarm to have a meeting to plan a youth event for next Tuesday with 2 other girls who are working in 2 other local churches. We met at Costa, which is like Starbucks here. I had a great peach smoothie! After our meeting, Kim and I walked around a bit and started our trek back home. It started raining pretty hard, so Bill picked us up and took us back home. Now we are relaxing a bit before we go get some shampoo and such for me and then have a youth event tonight!

You all would not believe how truly beautiful and enchanting it is here. I feel like every breath I breathe and every step I take hold a new adventure and something new to experience. Everything is GREEN as ever and people's gardens are incredible. The homes looks like they're straight from a movie or a dream. My window looks out to another house and just beyond is a horse pasture with a stable and horses. Magical.

Thank you all for your prayers! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store. Kimberly and I have had a wonderful time catching up on life and it's been very interesting to learn all about England and the culture and how very different it actually is. I get to meet some of the youth tonight and I want to ask you to pray for them. Pray that the Lord will grab their hearts and show them that there are ways to pursue holy adventures that don't involve drinking/drunkenness. (Kimberly was telling me that it is 100% the culture here to do that all the time. Kimberly wants them to realize that there are so many other ways to have fun and live life that are full of holiness.)

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered."
G.K. Chesterton

thoughts from yesterday.

Today…where to begin? Well, today actually began yesterday, seeing as I haven’t slept since I woke up to drive to Dallas to start the journey. I am exhausted, but holding onto the anticipation and excitement of reaching my final destination. I am on the train now to Yarm and made it through all of the obstacles necessary to reach this point. It is a most surreal feeling-to actually be here. It’s like a dream. I have had a very interesting and exciting trip so far and have met some lovely people already.

God totally provided a friend and travel buddy for me from the beginning. His name is Ty and Cam noticed his Aggie ring (whoop!) and started the conversation from there. Come to find out, Ty is four years older than us and actually graduated from Lorena, which is the high school Cam graduated from as well. And he graduated from A&M in 2008. Also, not only was he was making the same trip as me, but he just made this trip a couple of months ago. So Ty knew the ropes and was able to help me feel more at ease with traveling. He was a definite blessing and I am very thankful that the Lord provided in that way.

Other people that I met while traveling were:

·         Alex-he sat next to me on the plane to Manchester. He is an English professor at Auburn and is coming over for a conference. He has a wife and two kids and was a fun plane buddy to have. I think he appreciated my excitement to see England as we flew over it.

·         Corie and Hannibal-a sweet couple from Ohio who both teach at Ohio University. They are also here for the conference.

·         Gaurav-a very kind 25-year old Indian with an Indian-American-British mix accent. He was on my train and just got off in Leeds. We talked a lot about the differences in our cultures and how it’s important to experience life and do things that you enjoy. I think he got a good dose of my love for England because every turn I was “mmmm”ing or “aahh”ing at the beautiful countryside. It truly is magical!

(Dad, I get all this friend-making business from you. You should be proud.)

Funny story of the day (which was almost not so funny…):

Ty and I decided to stop and eat some yogurt and just relax a little before we boarded our flight to Manchester. Our plane was supposed to depart in about 30-35 minutes and I was a little more worried about the time factor than he was, but he told me that we would be fine. So we start making our way to the gate about 20 minutes before departure time when we hear MY name over the loud speaker, saying something about my bags and needing to get to the gate immediately. Did I mention yet that Atlanta is the world’s busiest airport? Right. So I’m starting to freak out. We get to the counter and they say, “We were about to remove your bags since you weren’t here yet.” I told Ty I would have literally killed him…BUT everything was fine and we got on the plane and so did our luggage and I have it with me now! Funny how things work out.

So I have about an hour now until my train reaches Yarm where Kimberly and Bill will be waiting for me with open arms. I can’t wait to see them and get some great hugs and go to our home and meet Joan and eat dinner and see my room and SLEEP. J

Please pray for a heart that is fully submitted to God. I don’t want to go through this trip just going on adventures for the sake of exploring and making memories. I want to grow deeply and richly in my faith and love for Jesus. Pray for passion and desire to follow and obey.

Words cannot express how my heart feels being here. It is like home. J My adventure is officially underway. And this is only the beginning of the adventure…


two days.

My brain is reeling as I am about to begin my journey across the pond. All the fears and uncertainties I have of my time there and of what I'll miss here have been slowly drifting away as I feel God tying together all the last minute details. Even now, He is teaching me to trust Him with everything, bending me like a tree toward His will for me. My heart has long awaited this trip back to England, and now it is knocking on my door.

There are so many exciting things to look forward to, so many people to meet, and so much Jesus to experience. I am anticipating a lot of learning, growth, change, faith, and gaining a new perspective on God's plan for the nations and how incredibly massive His love is for us. I also get to join Kimberly, a dear kindred spirit to me. She has been an integral part of my growth as a Christian and as a woman. My heart swells with excitement as I eagerly await living wild and free and adventurous with no regrets in the place my soul longs to be. The Lord has proven faithful and faithful again in this time of preparation.

Things to pray for:
  • My faith in Him to grow tremendously.
  • The people we will be ministering to, that their hearts will be softened to the life-giving Truth and freedom of Christ.
  • Smooth, safe and easy traveling to England.
My plane leaves Wednesday at 2:30pm from DFW airport, and I have a 1 1/2 hour layover in Atlanta, GA. Then off to Manchester, UK where I will arrive at 8:30am their time (or 2:30am our time!) on Thursday morning. Then I will take a train to Yarm, which is about 3 hours away. There, Bill (my England dad) will be picking me up and taking me to my home for the next 6 1/2 weeks. Please pray for all of this to go smoothly without any big glitches.

Life is coming full speed ahead, and I am ready for it. Two days away...I can't wait!

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."   --Albert Camus


england, my heart beats for you.

God, you are my life, my song, my helper. I want my life to reflect your glory and to draw many to you. I will always fail without you. God, I am so lost without you! I want you to have the reigns and to have control of me-every part of me! I am only alive in you and because of you.  Remind me of why I need you. God, England is just around the corner...about a month and a half away! Help me to trust you to provide for me. Help me to lean not on my own understanding. "Father, break my heart for what breaks yours. Give me open hands and open doors." Pave the way before me. Blaze the trail I will be moving along. God, open my eyes to the needs that need to be met spiritually, emotionally, and physically. You have give me a heart that beats Eng-land...Eng-land.
Lord prepare me for what is to come. You have grown me in ways this semester that I believe you will use while in England. You have given me opportunities for boldness-many opportunities. God, give me a burning passion for the lost souls there in England. They need life from the Fountain just as much as anyone! I can do great things only through your great love for me and for the nations. Without it I am nothing.
Lord, be my song and my salvation. I put my hope in you alone, for you are the One who saves. I long to know your heart and to walk with you all the days of my life. Romance me, remind me of your good works and the incredible, profoundly wonderful things you have done for me to capture my gaze and my heart. I want to love you, my Creator, more than I love your created things. Draw me in and smile upon me as I seek you morning and night. I give myself again to you now. Take me and do your will in and through me as you please. This life is all about you and your glory, not my own. You are fully worthy and deserving of praise and worship from me.
May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be pleasing to you, O God. Forgive me for constantly running away and finding satisfaction in much less worthy things. You are all that I need!